Home / News / 3.2 million euros of European Union support for 10 cross-border projects for the programme between Montenegro and Kosovo

3.2 million euros of European Union support for 10 cross-border projects for the programme between Montenegro and Kosovo

The Grant Award Ceremony of the projects contracted under the 3rd Call for Proposals of IPA CBC MNE – KOS programme 2014-2020 was organized in Peja by the Ministry for Local Government Administration of Republic of Kosovo in close cooperation with the Operating Structure of Montenegro, where the selected projects under the 3rd CfP were presented and promoted. The audience had the opportunity to get informed about 10 projects that have been contracted, as well as about the statistics of the evaluation process.



The Minister of the Ministry of Local Government Administration of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Elbert Krasniqi, welcomed all participants of the event and expressed his satisfaction that Kosovo and Montenegro are jointly finalizing a successful process of the IPA Cross-Border cooperation Programme which is moving towards the closing phase. He emphasized that good neighborly relations and regional cooperation constitute the main preconditions for accession, while the strengtheningof interstate and cross-border cooperation constitutes the main premise of social and economic development.



He stated that cooperation between the Republic of Kosovo and Montenegro within the IPA funds started in 2011 and that two countries worked together within IPA II towards increasing employment, protecting the environment, promoting tourism and cultural and natural heritage. He thanked the colleagues from Ministry of Local Government Administration, the Operating Structure of Montenegro, the Contracting Authority within the Ministry of Finance in Montenegro, the staff of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the programme and the representatives of the EU for their work, assistance and provided support in achieving the objectives of this Programme. He said that 10 projects worth 3,2 million euro are contracted within the 3rd CfP within IPA CBC Programme Montenegro –Kosovo and whished the project beneficiaries successful implementation of their projects.



Mr. Miodrag Rasovic, acting secretary of the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, greeted the participants on behalf of the Ministry of European Affairs and the Operating Structure of Montenegro. He emphasized that the successful work on this Programme so far would not have been possible without the good and high-quality cooperation of the Ministry of European Affairs and the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro and the Operating Structure of Kosovo, the Ministry of Local Self-Government Administration of the Republic of Kosovo, the Delegation of the European Union and the Joint Technical Secretariat. He expressed his satisfaction to announce the commencement of the new projects, stating that 29 partner organizations and institutions from Montenegro and Kosovo will implement their activities in 19 municipalities of the Programme area. He stated that successful cross-border cooperation between the two countries began in 2011 during the IPA 2011-2013 financial perspective, where 9 projects with a total value of almost 1.6 million euros were successfully implemented and that within the IPA II program 23 projects with a total value of over 7 million euros in the areas of employment, workforce mobility and social and cultural inclusion, environmental protection and tourism were contracted so far. He added that one more project from the reserve list will be contracted, which will increase the contracting percentage to almost 100%. Finally, he said that in the coming period, additional funds of over 8 million will be available for beneficiaries within the IPA III programme.



Mrs. Jelena Davidovic, acting Head of the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) in the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, announced that selected projects contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Programme under this call, and that their realization involves joint engagement of numerous institutions and organizations. She emphasized the importance of cross-border funds of the European Union that contribute to a better quality of life of citizens living in the programme area. She also pointed out that there was a lot of interest from applicants for this CfP and that 10 projects worth 3.2 million euros were contracted while one more project is expected to be contracted. In addition, she congratulated all the beneficiaries of the projects and wished them a successful implementation of the projects.



Deputy Head of Cooperation Section, European Union Office in Kosovo, Mr. Alessandro Biancarrdi stated that cross-border actions have always been crucial in supporting the development efforts of the local population correcting in imbalances and tackling territorial inequities. He praised the cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo and stated that this cross-border Programme aims to find common solutions to shared challenges, in a sustainable manner. He stated that 10 contracted projects will contribute to the EU and countries priorities such as green transition, employment and social inclusion, and development of tourism and cultural heritage. He pointed out that the EC monitors the impact of cross-border projects on the development of the cross-border region and the improvement of the living standards of the population in the programme area.



In the second part of the ceremony, after the opening speeches, Head of JTS, Mrs. Sanja Todorovic presented in brief whole process of the 3rdCall for Proposals starting from its publication and informed the audience about the whole timeline of activities that have been undertaken by the structures of the Programme aiming the information, capacity development of the potential applicants before and after publication of the Call. Within the third part of the ceremony, the selected projects of the 3rd Call for Proposals of IPA CBC MNE – KOS programme 2014-2020 were presented by the project beneficiaries. At the end of the ceremony the promotional short documentary film named “Eco-tourism promotion on the territory of Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo” was screened for the first time in Peja.