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Great interest of municipalities for IPA CBC programmes

Thematic meetings with representatives of municipalities from the programme area of IPA CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo were held during October and November. The meetings were organised in order to promote the results of the projects funded under these two programmes and promote the new upcoming IPA III CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo 2021-2027. The meetings were an opportunity for representatives of municipalities and other local authorities/companies to obtain more detailed information on both IPA III programmes and ask questions related to the programme, the structures of the programme, the objectives and thematic priorities and future call for proposals.



Thematic meetings were held in 31 municipalities, in 16 municipalities in Montenegro, nine in Albania and six in Kosovo. The meetings have been conducted by the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) and by, depending on the country where the meeting was held, representatives of the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination of Albania and Ministry of Local Government Administration of Kosovo. The meetings raised great interest and were attended by 139 participants. All visited municipalities expressed their readiness to participate in the upcoming IPA III Programmes in all envisaged thematic priorities.



The main interest of the participants was directed towards possibilities for investments within the projects under the Programmes, financial framework, financial envelope and issues of co-financing and pre-financing of the Programmes and grants and implementation aspects. In addition, clarifications have been given regarding the eligibility of actions and partnership, CfPs and for other rules that are common within the application and implementation process.



One of the main discussion points during the meetings was focused on the capacities of municipalities, local public institutions and enterprises regarding the drafting and implementation of EU funded projects. The conclusion that is applicable to almost all municipalities is that there is a need for additional capacity building within the municipalities and respective institutions. It was clarified to the participants that various activities are organized before the launch of the CfP within both Programmes such as Training on preparation of project proposals in line with EU rules, Info Sessions, Info Days and Partner Search Forums, emphasizing that they can expect these events in 2024 and that they will be invited to take part.



Within the IPA III CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania 10,7 million EUR are made available for projects under the Thematic cluster 2: Greener and improved resource efficiency and Thematic cluster 4: Improved business environment and competitiveness. While for the IPA III CBC Programmes Montenegro – Kosovo 7.5 million EUR are available for projects from the Thematic cluster 1: Improved employment opportunities and social rights and Thematic cluster 4: Improved business environment and competitiveness.



The IPA CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo are funded by the European Union.