Home / News / Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro – Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja

Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro – Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja

On 6th March 2017 the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Government Administration of the Republic of Kosovo and the Joint Technical Secretariat organized an Info Day / Partner search Forum in Peja. The event was organized as part of the preparation for the 1st Call for proposals for the submission of project proposals under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020.

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Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
Info Day/Partner Search Forum within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Montenegro - Kosovo 2014-2020 held in Peja
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More than 40 potential applicants from Montenegro and Kosovo who participated in the Forum got the necessary information on the possibilities under this programme. The forum was an opportunity for representatives of municipalities, NGOs, educational and other organizations and institutions to exchange their project ideas and contacts in order to establish project partnerships before the first Call for Proposals was published.

The forum outlined the objectives of the CBC Programme Montenegro-Kosovo, the principles of project partnerships, the content of the Guidelines for Applicants and the Application Package, as well as the events that will be organized in the upcoming period. The main part of the Forum were the three thematic workshops organized in accordance with the specific thematic priorities of the programme that include: Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border; Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management and Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage.