Home / News / The 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020 has been published

The 3rd Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020 has been published

The Government of Montenegro – European Integration Office and the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of EU Assistance in the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Government Administration of the Republic of Kosovo invite you to use EU funds and apply for joint projects under the Third Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020.


The overall objective of this call is to improve the standard and quality of living of the people in the programme area through the environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economic development of the region, with respect for its common cultural and natural heritage.


Funds in the amount of 3.48 million EUR are available under this call and are committed to the following thematic priorities (TP):


  • TP 1: Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border;
  • TP 2: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management; and
  • TP 3: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage.

The call is open to legal persons and non-profit organizations established in Montenegro and Kosovo and belonging to the following categories: local governments and their institutions, associations of municipalities, development agencies, local business support organizations, tourism and cultural organizations, NGOs, public and private bodies supporting the workforce, vocational and technical training institutions, bodies and organization for nature protection, public bodies responsible for water management, fire/emergency services, schools, colleges, universities and research centers including vocations and technical training institutions.


The deadline for submitting project proposals is June 25, 2021.


You can download more information here.