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The 8th Project Steering Committee meeting held in Plav

The eighth meeting of the Project Steering Committee was held on 31 July 2019 in Plav, Montenegro. The meeting was organized in order to discuss further implementation and upcoming activities in the second half of 2019 within the IPA CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo 2014-2020. Moreover, the members of the Project Steering Committee assessed the quality of the implemented activities and project outputs during the first half of 2019. The meeting was attended by representatives of the European Integration Office of Montenegro, Ministry of Finance of Montenegro – Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds (CFCU), Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Ministry of Local Government Administration of Kosovo, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Republic of Albania and Joint Technical Secretariat for IPA CBC Programmes Montenegro – Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo 2014-2020.


The members of the Project Steering Committee have also visited the project team of the project “Cross border joint initiatives for better waste management” funded within 1st CfP of the IPA CBC Programme Montenegro – Kosovo 2014-2020 in Plav. Namely, the project is implemented by the Utility Company Plav and RWC ”Çabrati” from Gjakova. During the meeting, the project team presented the conducted and forthcoming activities within the project. Finally, the project team organized also a site visit for members of the Project Steering Committee in order to show the space that will be transformed into a separate waste collection area by the end of the project.